Have you ever looked at yourself and wondered how it got so out of control? It seems like almost every area of my life I have let backslide. The house is a mess and unorganized, checkbook isn't balanced, lots of UFO's, etc. I have let friendships falter, I'm yelling at my kids too often, spending too little time with the hub and worse of all, I have't stayed very close to God. How does all this happen? When does it all sneak in and why does it take so long to notice??
I don't even know if the answers to those questions matter to me right now. What IS important is that I regain control. I am a chronic list maker, and boy, is my list going to be a long one! First is to get right with God. Nothing else in my life will go right if I don't have that put to rights. Besides, without His blessing and help, there is no way I can tackle the rest!
I am going to start going from room to room, top to bottom and scrub everything, get rid of lots and keep it up until this big old house is DONE!
A big part of our lives here is trying to live more simply and with less. I want to be known as "the cheapskates"..those that do everything possible as frugally and as "green" as possible.
So, now this blog is going to chronicle these efforts as well as my quilting. I will post frugal tips that we are using, progress reports on the cleaning and organizing,etc. I hope you don't mind! Also, I would love to hear any comments or tips that you use!!
I did get the Loopy over You quilt pinned today (Patrick is sick so I had to leave work and bring him home from school...poor poop)so will have finished pics to post soon as well as the directions. Sorry for the long post, but I felt posting all this would help me to be accountable to myself to get these issues under control.
Happy stitching!
Today's accomplishment: pinned Loopy over You quilt top
Frugal tip: Stay home! No temptations to spend at all if I am home! It also has me spending time where I should be spending it then...at home with my family!