Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Guilty over UFO's

Do any of you out there get this way? I am feeling sooooo guilty over my UFO's. I am not really sure why. Most cost me little to no money since I make them out of my stash. According to my assessment, I have 16 UFO's listed on the left here. That is a true compilation..nothing least that I know of!! 16 is not a lot compared to other UFO lists that I read about out there in blogland. Whatever the reason, I am planning on putting this guilt to good use. Here are my resolutions:

1) I am on a complete buying hiatus. Only thing that is allowed to come in is batting to finish up these UFO's...and POSSIBLY backing if I really, really can't find a way to make what I have work.

2) No new projects whatsoever..until I get at LEAST 5 of these UFO's completed.

3) I am back to having quite a few bags of scraps from these UFO's, and they, too, MUST be cut up and organized before I start anything else.

I am sure I should be adding more to this list of promises to myself, but right now I am happy with this.
So..hold me to it, everyone!! If you see anything on here resembling a start to a new me out on it...PUHLEEEEZE!!!

Now, off to start quilting my scrap Barn Raising quilt. If I can get it done in time, it will be a gift for my son, Dan, who turns 22 this Saturday. Say a prayer that I keep my resolve!!


  1. Good luck! I was a little astonished when I wrote up my UFO list last summer, and now I just try 1)not to add more, and 2)to finish one before starting something new. Not always great at it, but I do like it being visible. I bet you'll do great! Just take them one at a time!

  2. Good luck on keeping that rsolve. I don't even have a list of UFOs. Mine are all hiding in the closet.

  3. ANYONE who finishes as many things as fast as you do should not be ashamed of UFOs. You should be proud of them, because for you they are not ufos, just WIPs... you will finish them when you get around to them.

  4. I usually feel guilty about my UFOs at the beginning and end of the year. But I mostly feel overwhelmed with all of the projects waiting to be's crazy. I always seem to find a new pattern to work on instead.

    Good luck with your list!

  5. Yes, I feel quilty over all my unused STUFF, even though I make a LOT of good quilts! I keep thinking there is something psychological behind all this buying, sewing, organizing, etc, but am afraid I might find out I'm mentally lacking something somewhere! LOL One day, I'm going to write a blog about it, but have not yet figured it all out.

    I've heard of gals with over 100 UFOs and surely THAT is something NOT good but, ya know it's better than drinking, carousing, etc., but it DOES come under the umbrella of overspending and maybe even hoarding. If I had that many hanging over my head, I would feel very depressed maybe. Good subject, though.
